Sunday, April 28, 2013


Remember when I used to blog...that was fun right?? Well I know it's been nearly a year, but I just haven't felt that inspired to write anything lately.  Until recently anyway.... Over the past few months I have come to appreciate my siblings more and more.  In that spirit, I would like to tell the universe why I love each of them.  We'll start with the closest to me in age and work my way up.

Chad--My brother makes me laugh harder than anyone I have ever met. Growing up I'm pretty sure I annoyed him to death because we were just far enough apart in age that we had very little in common.  However, he didn't always throw me by the wayside (probably because my mom made him but I love him for it nonetheless). I learned to appreciate him more when he went on a mission and in the years since.  I love how hard he works to provide for his family and how much he loves his wife and kids.  I'm so grateful he is able to work at the same place as my makes me a little less worried about something happening and no one being there for Dad. 

Cami--Cami is the greatest time-juggler that I've ever met.  Every time I go to her house she always has one million things going on.  Through it all she manages to keep her kids happy and take the time to appreciate each of her kids for who they are. She is always the loudest cheerer at her kids events. Even if they don't always appreciate her enthusiasm, she continues to work hard to help them be successful in the things that they do.  I've always wanted to be as socially graceful as Cami is.  She always develops good friends and keeps in touch with them even as she or others move around. 

Shelly--Shelly is simply the nicest person I know.  She is always looking out for everyone else around her before she looks out for herself.  She always checks in when she can sense something is wrong and invites me to Tooele when I need a little get away.  She is amazing at her job and still manages to be an amazing mom as well.  She also goes to a million events and smiles through them all.  She is always the first to plan an family get together and is always willing to sacrifice her time to come out to other people's houses for those parties.  Mostly I love that she is always willing to watch cheesy Hallmark movies with me!

Nikki--Nikki is my second mom.  Not like my second mom, but is my second mom.  When I moved up to Provo she took me in and gave me a place in her house.  When she moved houses she even made sure that I had a room so that I would feel comfortable there. (which I very much do!) I am always amazed at her cooking skills.  Maybe someday I will cook as well as she does!  She works hard to keep her crazy creative girls busy as well as all of the kids in the neighborhood.  There is hardly ever a time when I go to her house and there isn't an extra child or two that she is taking care of.  She is amazingly generous to everyone that she knows, including myself.  I always feel like I can talk to her about the things in my life that are going crazy.  Plus she gave me a job outside of the MTC, so you know, I gotta love her for that!!

Anyway this is just a brief glimpse of why I love my siblings.  Mostly I love that we all love each other.  When something happens to one the rest of us do what we can to help out.  (I feel a little bad for Chad on this one....he just lives farther away so it's a little more difficult but we are with him in spirit!) Being the youngest (by a chunk of years) I wasn't always super close to my siblings, but I'm glad that I have had that opportunity in the last seven years.  It certainly has changed me for the better!!!


Laurel said...

Welcome back to the blogging world!

Unknown said...

Well, that couldn't make a mother prouder!

Unknown said...

Well, that couldn't make a mother prouder!